The following notice comes from Gabrielle Langlois, Davenport West Bike Project Coordinator at the Davenport-Perth Neighbourhood Centre:
I am writing to let you know about a new health promotion initiative in the Davenport west area.
The Davenport West bike project aims to create/further develop bike culture and increase physical activity and awareness that physical activity can help improve health and well being. We ran a successful pilot this past summer (13 free bike clinics) and with new funding from the Ministry of Health Promotion and Sport, will run a more developed project until the fall of 2011. From Dec. 2010 to March 2011 it will include training for volunteers (bike repair, health promotion, healthy eating, safe riding/injury prevention), and in the spring/summer of 2011 will include free community bike clinics and community rides.
We are currently recruiting volunteers (youth, seniors, newcomers, veteran cyclists, etc.) interested in becoming involved in this project and are looking to you to help us spread the word. Attached is a “call to volunteer” poster and it would be greatly appreciated if you can please post in your agency/area. Please feel free to forward this email to others who may be interested. This project is in collaboration with The Stop Community Food Centre, Bike Pirates, Sweet Pete’s bike shop, CultureLink, and myfirstwheels.
The first training session is Tuesday Dec. 7. Interested applicants can contact me via email at, via phone at 416.656.8025 x 377 or come to DPNC at 1900 Davenport Rd. and I can provide more information.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Best regards,
Gabrielle Langlois
Coordinator, Volunteer Program &
Davenport West Bike Project Coordinator
Davenport-Perth Neighbourhood and Community Health Centre
416.656.8025 x
1900 Davenport Rd.
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