Name: Susanne and Parker
Age: 36 and 4
Occupation: Public Relations Consultant
Where do you commute?
Parker and I ride from Queen East to her daycare about 10 blocks away. I then continue to Queen and Bathurst to work. I use Queen almost exclusively, although sometimes I drop down to Richmond at Church. Sometimes it seems to take a few minutes off the trip, but can be more hair raising!
How do you commute with your daughter?
If the day is rainy or cold, Parker climbs into her trailer, a convertible Chariot that doubles as a stroller (handy when her dad picks her up without a bike). If the day is warm and sunny, and we're running on time, Parker likes to ride her pink bike with streamers (and training wheels for the next while)
How does it go when she rides her own two wheeler?
Sometimes it is slower during rush hour, I am on the road and she is on the sidewalk where lots of people are walking. She is just learning to say 'excuse me' and to go around people. Without the training wheels it might get more complicated.
Does your whole family ride?
We love our bikes. Unless we're going out of town, our car stays parked. We ride around town, putting Parker in the trailer for longer rides, otherwise we're all on our bikes. I ride most of the year, at least when the road is clear and the weather isn't too brutal (under -10). Parker's dad rides to Eglinton and DVP in the summer months when the Don valley trail is clear and TTC's it in the other seasons.
Why do you ride?
It's the only time I seem to have for exercise being a working mother. I also ride for environmental reasons - I can't stand the idea of
driving and polluting for such a short distance. The streetcar, as much as I love it, is generally unreliable during rush hour. What takes me 25 minutes to cycle, sometimes takes me 45 minutes on the Queen streetcar. I'm lucky because I bring by bike into work - I wouldn't want to leave my bike out on Richmond and Bathurst.
What's your favourite thing about your bike commute?
I like the challenge of keeping safe when I ride on the rush hour streets. I love people watching too, seeing snippets of everyday life as I ride by.
Least favourite?
The fact that other bikers rarely say hi to each other. We should recognize that we're a community - no matter how different each rider may be - and that we're in it together!
What kind of weather will you ride in?
I'll ride in summer/spring/fall rain, but not winter rain. Windy days when I'm tired really suck too.
Is there one bike accessory you can't live without?
Sunglasses - I had a pair of oversized yellow glasses that were great for all types of weather. But any sunglasses are key to avoiding streetcar sand, stray garbage and rain.
Any advice for any moms out there that would like to ride but think
they can't because of their kids?
First learn to ride in the city on your own. Be confident about your own riding. Buy a sturdy trailer (MEC or Chariot make great ones) and practice on the trails. If the ride is really far, and there aren't many bike lanes, I used a bike seat on the back of the bike. It was easier to ride up onto the sidewalk (and walk) when the traffic felt too busy or fast. It's really hard to get anywhere with a trailer on the sidewalk. The trailers are said to be inherently safer (although they feel so close to the cars) since the bike seat is so high up... but in the end, it's your route that will determine your mode of transport for the child... One thing I use for motivation on those less than perfect mornings - that taking the car isn't helping my kid grow up healthy.
What would top your wish list of things that could change to make your
bike commute even better?
The desperate lack of a bike lane through downtown is depressing. Cars race past streetcars on Queen and cars race traffic lights on Richmond. One lane for bikes somewhere between Dundas and Front, Yonge and Bathurst would be fabulous.
Where else do you ride besides work?
Leslie Spit, Cherry Beach, Danforth, Gerrard Street Bazaar, Riverdale Farm, Rosedale Tennis Courts, the Beach, College Street.
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