Here's the (near) daily post of cycling news from across the country, and sometimes interesting things from around the world. If I missed a worthy piece, please pass it on to me. Comments welcome.
- The Bike Dispenser (Spacing Wire, Aug 18)
- Cycle honours man killed biking across country (CTV Toronto, Aug 18)
- Babes and bikes in Niagara's vineyards (Globe and Mail, Aug 18)
- Trib publisher arrives in Montreal; successful end to cycling odyssey (Welland Tribune, Aug 18)
It's a bit easier to get publicity when you're a newspaper publisher
- A New Spin On An Old Standby (Hartford Courant, CT, Aug 19)
- Get on your bikes cyclists tell critics (Cambridge Evening News, UK, Aug 18)
- Cyclist to present slide show on his long 'Ride for Climate' (, OR, Aug 17)
- The cycling jacket with built-in brake lights and indicators (Daily Mail, UK, Aug 18)
- Riders Remember Bicyclists Killed (KCTV5 News, MO, Aug 16)
- Injured state rep talks to Channel 3 about bicycle safety (WKYC-TV, OH, Aug 16)
- Killed near end of 20,000km ride (Adelaide Now, Australia, Aug 19)
- Corvallis couple treks to Wisconsin on a bicycle built for two (Corvallis Gazette Times, OR, Aug 18)
- Cyclists to take to the trails to raise money for more trails (Chillicothe Gazette, OH, Aug 18)
- Berryville Police take part in bicycle training (Clarke Times Courier, VA, Aug 16)
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