Justin Lafontaine, project lead and founder of the Bike Train is looking for your support! Please take a few minutes to email him with a letter of support, whether you took the Bike Train this year or are hoping to in the future. The continued success of this initiative depends on positive support and feedback from cyclists. Letters should be sent by this Thursday, November 29th.
Here is Justin's latest communication on this:
Dear Bike Train partners and supporters,
With your support, the pilot year of the Toronto-Niagara Bike Train Initiative was a resounding success. The service officially launched with 2 media events on June 5 and operated over 4 weekends during the summer, receiving an overwhelmingly positive response from passengers, industry and the media. The Bike Train also recently won the "I Bike T.O. First Annual Award" and was acknowledged at "The Trail Ahead: Beyond Regeneration" conference in Toronto.
The Bike Train generated over 25 media hits with a reach of 3+ million including significant coverage in:
- The Globe and Mail
- The Toronto Star
- The Toronto Sun
- CTV News
- CityNews
- Niagara Falls Review
- St. Catharines Standard
- Canadian Travel Press
The project website received over 20,000 unique visitors from around the world in just 6 months. In addition, 375 have signed up to the E-list, 75 Bike Train passengers and supporters have joined the "Take the Train - Bring Your Bike!" Facebook group, while others have posted their unique, often humorous travel stories on their weblogs. For a full media list and web links visit www.biketrain.ca.
In total, 286 passengers traveled on the Bike Train with a notable diversity of age, abilities and group affiliations. There was an average of 90% capacity on Saturday departures from Toronto; 2 out of 4 were at 100% capacity.
Passenger evaluation survey results indicated:
- 71% had never, or very rarely travelled (less than once a year) to the Niagara Region to cycle
- 89% travelled with family and/or friends
- 72% stayed overnight
- 57% were between 30 and 50
- 55% indicated an annual household income of over $75,000
- 94% indicated they were very likely or definitely going to take the Bike Train in the future
Interestingly, 26% of respondents indicated they chose to take the Bike Train because it was a more sustainable travel option, 25% chose the Bike Train for convenience, while many who answered "Other" added that "it sounded like fun!".
Planning is now underway to expand the Bike Train service and promotion in 2008. Numerous emails and phone calls have already been received from people across Canada, the US and Europe who are planning their summer vacations and want to travel on the Bike Train.
We are currently seeking letters of support and sponsorships to help secure vital funding for project development and operations. If you would like more information or a "letter template" please let me know. Letters received will be included with funding proposals being submitted and under consideration.***Deadline for letters of support is Thursday, November 29***
If you would like to discuss the unique sponsorship and advertising opportunities, as well as how your organization or business can get more involved, please call me at 416-338-5090.
I look forward to hearing from you!
JustinJustin Lafontaine
Project Lead and Founder
Bike Train Initiative
www.biketrain.caPhone: 416-338-5090
Mobile: 416-712-8819
Fax: 416-392-0071
Email: jlafont@toronto.cac/o Transportation Planning
City of Toronto
850 Coxwell Avenue
Toronto, ON M4C 5R1Founding Partners:
City of Toronto | Government of Ontario | Niagara-on-the-Lake Chamber of Commerce | VIA Rail CanadaProject Partners:
Tourism Niagara | Friends of the Greenbelt FoundationMedia Partner:
Pedal Magazine
Additional I Bike T.O. coverage of the Bike Train can be found here.
Thanks Justin Lafontaine
Tue, 11/27/2007 - 23:26I appreciate the work done by Justin Lafontaine, but I have to point out that the service was too limited for me to make use of, and the cost was the same for me to rent a car for the day - even cheaper to rent if shared with friends.
Coachcanada.com works out to be less, and unlike GO buses and Grayhound, they do not charge extra to put bikes below, so long as you wrap them up in some manner. They stop everywhere you want to go on the Niagara Penninsula, apart from Niagara-on-the-Lake, and go very frequently.
Justin Lafontaine (not verified)
Bike Train vs. Car (or Bus)
Wed, 11/28/2007 - 10:19Hi Aiden,
Thanks for your feedback. There is certainly much more work we have to do before we usher in a new renaissance of rail travel in Canada. If you look at most travel scenarios, the car (or bus) will always end up being cheaper (especially with groups) because of our subsidized roads and general underfunding of passenger rail. The cost for the Bike Train was comparable to a regular 7-day advance VIA ticket between Toronto and Niagara Falls.
That said, I would pay a little more anyday for the beautiful views of Niagara's orchard blossoms, rolling vineyards and farming hamlets from the comfort of the train, over the views of industry and sprawling developments sitting in a car (or bus) in bumper-to-bumper traffic on the QEW. See http://www.ibiketo.ca/node/448 for Martino's great photos and weblog.
For this pilot year, the Bike Train operated as a "VIA PRIVA" service, or private group, and we limited the number of weekends due to funding, logistics and human resources. The pilot project proved to be a resounding success, and now I am working with project partners to expand the service and schedule next year.
Funding has not yet been confirmed for 2008. So I would encourage you, your friends, colleagues and family members to send your message of support for the Bike Train to your local MP, MPP and VIA Rail. Many voices can make a real difference!
Keep in touch, and hopefully we will meet onboard a Bike Train next summer!
All trains = bike train
Wed, 11/28/2007 - 15:27I understand the environmental, scenery and coolness factors of the train: far nicer than car or bus. Living in Japan, I took my bike everywhere by train, and since there are so many lines, never had to backtrack on road or rail. Not quite the same convenience in Ontario, alas.
As much as I appreciate the Bike Train Project, I am not sure it reaches enough people in its present incarnation. It was a GREAT demonstration that the ridership is there! It would be interesting to know how many more people were excited by it, but like me, still found other methods too much more convenient. It should be unextraordinary to take a bike on the train, as it is in Japan (and in Europe, I can imagine). The Niagara Bike Train deserves a lot of kudos, but it is an extraordinary service, which is the shortcoming.
VIA should have more convenient bicycle facilities on ALL their trains with a baggage car, in season (buses too, but as they are privately held...). The past two summers there was no way for me to take a bike by rail to Ottawa, at all. Even between Toronto and Montreal, you have to box it, with all of the tedium that requires. Should this require (gasps sarcastically) some government subsidy, I should imagine it would be much less than to repair one ramp of a 400-series highway.
xcskiermom (not verified)
cldn't have said it better myself
Wed, 11/28/2007 - 18:16Tou-chay! I regularly take the Toronto-Ottawa train and it really bugs me that I cannot take my bike with me to take advantage of the wonderful parkways, bike paths and parks that our nation's capital has to offer. I am a regular contributor to Via's customer service office on this and other topics, to no avail. It is not even possible to bring a kid's bike - boxed or otherwise - on this route.
I am showing support for the biketrain project as requested. At least it is a small step. But you're right; taking along a bike on a train should be no more cumbersome that lugging along a piece of luggage. If only it were so.
Justin Lafontaine (not verified)
Re: All trains = Bike Train
Wed, 11/28/2007 - 20:53I entirely agree with your comments, and my hope is that projects and initiatives like the Bike Train are catalysts for improved and increased passenger rail service with bike transport capacity in Canada.
I've travelled by train with my bike in Europe, and it's great! Unexceptional even (actually, I don't think that's possible in Europe). Though, I have heard from transportation planners there that with the purchase of new (ie. first class) passenger rail cars, there will actually be reduced capacity for bikes on some trains. Point is, we need use forums like this to mobilize people to support, vote for and participate in these initiatives to make sure investment is maintained and increased so that travelling by train and bike can be convenient, accessible and, unexceptional.
I am working to take the Bike Train Initiative to the next level, and hope that we can introduce new pilot routes and station stops next year. Would be great to get some re-directed highway development funding too!
I'll keep this web forum posted on my progress. Feedback is always encouraged and appreciated at http://www.biketrain.ca.