Here's a list of cycling news from across the country and sometimes interesting things from around the world. If I missed a worthy piece, please pass it on to me.
- Cyclist Challenges Driver Downtown - And Wins (, Jan 14)
- Standing up for winter cyclists (Waterloo Record, Jan 12)
- Medical centre a high priority for mayor; 'Until we have one, we're always going to be disadvantaged' (Owen Sound Sun Times, Jan 2)
Bike lanes and bike paths are also on the priority list
- Idea #12: U-bike (, BC, Dec 31)
- Cyclists urge city to make routes more user-friendly (Saskatoon StarPhoenix, Dec 27)
- Bike path not a 'priority' (Montreal Gazette, Dec 27)
- Traffic dispute at Nankai University turns nasty (China Car Times, Jan 2)
A traffic accident gets blown out of proportion, and that means a student riot in China - What can The Netherlands learn from us? (, Jan 14)
Portland, OR and Vancouver, BC have lessons for The Netherlands about promoting cycling and bike culture, as well low-cost easy solutions that can be exported. - Riding the SLUT: Streetcar presents danger to cyclists (University of Washington, WA, Jan 15)
Is this what we're going to get on Roncesvalles? - Tory baroness, 84, uses handbag to whack cyclist who jumped a red ... (This is London, UK, Jan 15)
- BICYCLE BULLY-VARD (District Weekly, CA, Jan 14)
Seems like I'm not the only cyclist complaining about residents that are openly hostile to cyclists at community meetings. - City, cyclists butt heads on storm grates (KOMO, WA, Jan 14)
I'm so glad that we don't have this problem in Toronto - Road 'poses danger for cyclists' (Oxford Mail, UK, Jan 14)
- Bike ban blow to cyclists (Ranges Trader Mail, Australia, Jan 14)
- WARNING TO CYCLISTS (Express & Echo, UK, Jan 14)
- Making Memphis safe for cyclists through advocacy (, TN, Jan 14)
If you think that they have the right idea, join Toronto's - Pedaling through winter on a bicycle built for one (Boston Globe, MA, Jan 13)
- Police get tough on cyclists (Norwich Evening News, UK, Jan 15)
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