Let no one accuse us of jumping on any bandwagon or other moving vehicles. But we have jumped onto twitter to get people more - much more - information - up to date and up to the minute - on bike happenings in Toronto.
We've got a sidebar of the most recent tweets: all the twitter users who post something about bikes and toronto. If you want to make sure your own tweets end up there put in the hash #biketo.
Also we are testing out posting links to our blog posts to the user: biketo (that's biketo without the i). We won't put a feed to that because that would just be weird and self-referential. If you want keep track of the postings through your own twitter account or feed our posts will be going to: #ibiketo (with the i, folks!).
spoke too soon
Sat, 03/28/2009 - 11:57tweeting our posts is still in testing phase, but you can still send your tweets to #biketo to see them here!
Donald GO-by-Bi...
Welcome aboard #ibiketo!
Mon, 03/30/2009 - 11:46Hey #ibiketo:
Welcome aboard!
What took you so long?...
Get right on it!