It seems that for the last couple of years, the GTA has seen a huge amount of planned and actual transit service expansion. Some of it has even been exceptionally bike-friendly, though there is also some significant community opposition in certain cases.
Yesterday, GO Transit and Minister of Transportation Jim Bradley announced that there will GO Train service to Niagara on holidays and weekends this summer.
This service will offer four trips daily on weekends and holidays in each direction between Toronto and Niagara Falls, stopping at Port Credit GO Station, Oakville GO Station, Burlington GO Station, St. Catharines rail station, and Niagara Falls rail station.
Visitors from the Niagara region will also be able to take the train to Toronto, making it a great summer travel option for people from across the region.
While this isn't a cycling-specific improvement, it definitely makes car-free travel in Southern Ontario even more accessible, especially since bicycles are allowed on board GO trains. Being a weekend- and holiday-only service, this pretty much limits it to non-commuting travel. However, this adds another exciting option for bike touring, day-trips to Niagara, and more.
Hold on a second though. What about the Bike Train? Doesn't this new GO service conflict with Justin Lafontaine's award-winning multi-modal cycle-tourism project? GO Transit service tends to be cheaper and more frequent than VIA Rail service, so will this have a negative impact on the Bike Train project? I asked Justin for his thoughts today, and here's what he had to say:
Yes, got the news yesterday, we had been expecting the announcement. It's great news for cyclists and cycle tourism in Niagara! The more trains, the more people, the more bikes!
We understand VIA Rail will continue with their current 2009 schedule, and we will continue to coordinate the Bike Train on select weekends throughout the summer. Cyclists will now have more opportunities for travel between Toronto and Niagara Falls, with different service levels to choose from.
The Toronto-Niagara Greenbelt Express provides a value-added service, with knowledgeable staff onboard, cycling maps, itineraries and tourism information, secure baggage car with 56 bike racks, baggage handlers, local cycling expert volunteers, special promotions, and of course comfortable VIA seats and service.
We will soon be distributing the 2009 Bike Train Guide with useful Niagara trip planning information. The guide also features information on our new Bike Train pilot routes and destinations planned for 2009: Ontario North (Toronto-North Bay), Ontario East and Ontario Southwest. The free guides will be available at local bike shops, or at Bike Train booths at upcoming Toronto Bike Month events.
The primary objective of the Bike Train Initiative is to make the business case for passenger rail service with bike transport capacity (without the requirement for boxing). We are excited to be expanding the initiative on new routes across Ontario. Stay tuned to www.biketrain.ca.
So there you have it. More trains, more people, more bikes. Awesome! This keeps getting better and better. I'm sure Donald Wiedman over at bikesandtransit.com is pretty excited about this too.
Lots more press about this online, especially from in the Niagara area, where they are excited about the tourism boost.
Random cyclist (not verified)
Fri, 05/15/2009 - 17:31Does anyone else find it strange that the train will not stop in Hamilton?
The Hammer
Fri, 05/15/2009 - 18:01It's too bad that it won't stop in Hamilton. But I think the reason is that the track that goes through Hamilton towards Niagara is not the same one that the GO station is on.
I think there's talk of GO putting in a station in the North End of Hamilton, which would make this possible....but not this year.
Fri, 05/15/2009 - 18:10Also, Hamilton is already served by pretty frequent GO bus service, even on weekends. Limit of 2 bikes per bus though. Or train to Aldershot, transfer to bus into Hamilton.
For a more interesting / leisurely way to get to Hamilton, you can take the train to Burlington GO, then ride down to the lake (not too far, down Brant St. and much of it even has a bike lane). Take the beach strip over to east Hamilton. One of the nicest "urban" rides in the GTA, IMHO. We did it last weekend.
jamesmallon (not verified)
VIA blows
Fri, 05/15/2009 - 20:56I appreciate the dude who got VIA to take bikes the past few summers, but I was not once tempted to use it. I went cycling on the Niagara Penninsula a few times, too. I don't own a car, but used Autoshare instead of VIA because the cost was the same! Also, VIA's schedule was unusable for a day's cycling. Let's cross our fingers for a decent GO schedule
Mal E. Voire (not verified)
GO from Niagara to bike Toronto
Sat, 05/16/2009 - 11:12Great news yes, but you cyclists think so abroad!
You forget that this is also a great new opportunity for cyclists of the Niagara peninsula to GO train it over here and experience our amazing urban, waterfront and ravine cycling experiences.
They must be so board with their falls, rivers, creeks, canals, escarpment, vineyards, orchards, battlefields, history... yawn...
regan thomas (not verified)
Re: Via blows
Sat, 05/16/2009 - 12:38Maybe this is true, that VIA blows, but I have to say that the biketrain project certainly does not blow. My girlfriend and I used it last summer and it was quick and efficient and sweet. The people were super friendly as well.
So here's the thing. I'm not one of those who will travel to Niagara every weekend with my bike. I might do it once a year. And i'll guarantee that this once will still be on the biketrain.
I'll give you three, of many reasons why: 1. I really like things that are done mainly by the 'people' and not by the 'man' and travel once on the biketrain and you'll feel like you're among friends (everyone's cool; this is especially clear in Niagara).
2. When traveling GO with bikes, you're jammed up to the front by the doors (its worse when you're with friends and you've got to fit three or four bikes).
3. The biketrain is clearly designed for us cyclists; it's named after us, half the train is re-worked just for our bikes! ...while GO is just considering the potential profitability...
Donald GO-by-Bi...
Bikes+Transit to close by and not too distant greenspaces
Sat, 05/16/2009 - 12:56Thanks for the mention Vic!
Of course I'm happy. Every boost to transit is these days also a boost for regional cycling. With this new service from GO, both GTA and Niagara cycling tourists will benefit.
Niagara cyclists will now have easy, affordable and eco-friendly access to Durham's waterfront and all cycling trails in between! If they get off at the Mimico GO station and cycle the shoreline east they're in for a treat. On a shorter scale, St. Catharines folk will be able to do a pretty nice bike and transit loop between home and the Burlington GO station.
What's best in this announcement for Toronto cyclists? One daytrip route I'll be trying soon is an early morning Coach Canada highway coach (from the Greyhound terminal on Bay St.) to Grimsby. From there you can ride the escarpment east to Niagara Falls and catch the last GO train home - dreamy!
Bikes+Transit.com aims to build public awareness of the many cycling adventures awaiting discovery via transit to close by and not too distant greenspaces. Niagara is great, but hey, so is Grimsby, Hamilton, Aberfoyle, Burlington, Toronto, Pickering, Ajax and Whitby!
Get right on it!