I'm sorry to hear that we're apparently at war with motorists and it's all our fault. This is disturbing. Some of my bestest friends drive cars and it saddens me that they may fall victim to a bicycle blitzkrieg. Perhaps there's a chance to avoid carmageddon if only we would all step away from our vehicles, let reason prevail, and admit we've been bad boys and girls.
So in as much as it's in our interest to maintain, er, attain, cordial relations with our cagebound colleagues of the road I propose that Toronto cyclists 'fess up. We should admit how we exploit the motoring masses into paying for our selfish privileges. It's only fair. Let's hoist the white flag, acknowledge culpability, pay penance, and work toward a better tomorrow for all.
Let me be the first to say sorry.
For, among other things, the wretched state of traffic in the GTA. And it truly is a mess. We cyclists are all sorry for clogging up the DVP, 401, 400 and Gardiner everyday. Who would've thought the effects of a single Critical Mass detour on the Gardiner and an annual parade of polyunsaturated pedallers on the DVP would reverberate through the remaining 360 odd days a year in a daily tide of carnage? Please accept our profound apologies: we really are sorry for you.
And we apologize for all those parked cars clogging downtown byways, snarling traffic and fraying tempers. All that public space devoted to the storage of private property when it could be freed up to smooth flow. What a pity, we're sorry about it.
And sorry too we can't can abide your wishes and "get off the road". See, if we leave the bike at home, get in the car, and join in your misery there would be yet another cager ahead of you in the traffic jam or vying for your parking spot or sucking up your litre of prehistoric sunlight. And that would only make you more sorry. Sorry you can't seem to figure that out.
Sorrysorrysorrysorrysorry. Ess. Oh. Argh. Argh. Why.
For the abysmal state of Toronto's streets as well. All those destructive 1/2 horsepower 12KG bicycles shred blacktop nothing like harmless 10 ton trucks with several hundred more ponies under the hood. That's why every spring the Martin Goodman Trail is a crater riddled Baghdad backstreet and the rest of TO's auto drags are smooth glassphalt. So apologies we're not as easy on the streets as you folks in the Escalades.
And apologies that our property taxes and the like pay for local roads -- NOT gasoline taxes (reserved for highways). You DON'T KNOW how sorry we are about that. And sorrier yet that we can't further subsidize freeloading four wheelers because two thirds of The Bankrupt Three are lining up for a several billion dollar pogie check. It's our fault not enough cars were sold to keep the assembly lines rolling. And my gridlocked friends, it's our fault too that so many were it stops you from rolling.
Désolé. Lo Siento. Saawwrrrreeee for this merciless campaign of autocide!!
For the outrageous cost of insurance and gas too! And what's gas now, a dollar a litre? Sorry, we don't pay attention, but we should because contrary to what everyone thinks it ain't those greedy Arabs that are to blame. Nor Big Oil, Peak Oil, or vegetable oil. It ain't even Mayor Miller and his left wing cabal. Pssst, can you handle the truth? It's the cyclists.
So sorry for that and all that driving amok resulting in extensive property damage, bodily injury, and abbreviated life spans -- all outcomes needing onerous bureaucracies to process. We plead guilty, it's our fault that bicycles tend to opposite, favourable, effects. So we're sorry about efforts that seek to penalize our efficiencies with automobile style overhead, ostensibly to pay for problems we don't create. We're sorry this doesn't make sense and sorry again for defending the absurdity that personal mobility can and should be cheap and accessible.
A supercalifragilisticexpialidocious sorry to ya all!
For greenhouse gasses, for nitrogen oxides, ground level ozone and for all those smog alerts. So sorry that we, with our stupid bike lanes -- all outrageous 95 KMs on 5,600 KMs worth of roads -- are keeping you all idling longer, belching all those noxious fumes. Now the polar icecaps are melting and it's all our fault. I do confess that last year a nacho propelled plume of methane escaped me while pedalling home from the Fox and the Fiddle on Danforth that is right now melting a glacier somewhere just south of Greenland. But drivers, as devastating as the aromatics of that emission were, I assure you that everyone, including yourselves, are sorrier still for your stench. You stink. Literally. And we're all sorry for it.
As we are for the morons on Jarvis and elsewhere who have the audacity to better their neighbourhoods. Dullards they are, they don't relish 27,000 cars racing by their front yards and schools daily -- sorry, no one does! Forgive them, they're not enlightened motorists that spend, what? all of 5 minutes speeding through, they actually live there. You know, pay taxes, vote, shop and sleep there.
Sorry to say these Luddites can't fathom how five lanes worth of motorized mayhem improves their quality of life, that they prefer less cars and less roadway and more trees, sidewalk, and, yeah, maybe more bicycles. We're sorry that these myopic imbeciles would like to reclaim a piece of their neighbourhood for themselves, not sacrifice it to the selfish indulgence of their CO spewing guests. And sorrier still that motorized transients should consider it the locals' obligation to sacrifice it.
Sorry...sorry...SORRY! For that and everything else. It's all our fault.
There. Can we now just all get along?
No? Sorry to hear it.
Then again, not really.
Random person (not verified)
Bike riders blame car drivers
Sat, 05/30/2009 - 10:23Bike riders blame car drivers for the problems on the roads. Have you seen how many horrible bicycle riders we have in the city thinking THEY own the road, not wearing helmets? Yet the bicycling community never talks about the evil in their community but only talks about the evil in the car community.
What about those bicycles who are pedalling one milimetre an hour?, you know there are cars behind you, if you can't be at a proper speed on the road, then you shouldn't be on the road.
There is always talks about cars not respecting other users on the road, yet there isn't much talk about the bicycle riders not respecting cars and pedestrians. I got almost runned over by bicycles so many times in the past ten years and I wasn't coming out of between cars but at proper intersections.
There are so many horror stories on the bike side of the "road universe". So many of you bicycle riders claim you are innocent angels.
The roads are shared by 4 types of users: (1) Cars (2) bicycles (3) pedestrians - at intersections (4) transit.
Greg Perkins (not verified)
Well put!
Sat, 05/30/2009 - 10:30The funniest part of that Sun article is the list of, "What Cars are up Against," which includes CAR FREE DAY!!! I really wonder if they've done their research, or they're just trying to provoke their diligent readers? The more seriously the sun attempts to make the war on cars, the bigger the joke it becomes.
But thanks for the public apology on our behalf for our common atrocity of cycling in the city, I realize now the terrible sin I've committed by riding in the spaces on the road that cars don't occupy. Now excuse me while I finish welding the battering ram and tear gas launchers to my road bike.
Luke, you are so funny....
Sat, 05/30/2009 - 10:46...I am going to save this article for use on any day when I need to cheer me up in this war of words!
Global Warmin aint hot
Sat, 05/30/2009 - 13:07Two words, global warming.
That may contribute to the bias a little.
The fact that we cyclists have to inhale your exhaust yet you are in your pollution blocking cages free from the stresses of your own creation doesn't help either.
There are bad cyclists and there are bad motorists.
Get over it.
I agree with you on that, to bad cyclists are still not allowed a lane to use so we are stuck to the fringes of the road inbetween doorprizing parked cars and mortality inflicting moving cars.
It sounds like a great idea but to be honest cars own the road as it stands.
electric (not verified)
The reason I cycle at 1millieter per hour in front of your car
Sat, 05/30/2009 - 14:16is because i'm so overcome with melancholy about my guilt, our cyclists guilt for what we've done, that i'm barely able to stay upright let alone to pedal with joy like I used to.
Hahaha, really though, the satire of the article continued on to the first comment by accident??
Another dog of war from the big three has come sniffing around!
Naw hes a troll
Sat, 05/30/2009 - 18:20Naw the first comment isn't sarcasm. Notice he put "random person" instead of the default "random cyclist" as he does not want to be associated with cyclists.
Hes just another subscriber to the vaunted "war on cars" me thinks.
chephy (not verified)
Good one, Luke.
Sat, 05/30/2009 - 21:35Good one, Luke.
A.R. (not verified)
Speak out
Sun, 05/31/2009 - 00:57As we've seen Case Ootes speaks strongly on cycling with his opposition to the Bloor-Danforth lanes. In an interview on CTV, he used the "war on cars" rhetoric and suggested that the issue would be an election issue. Feel free to contact him at councillor_ootes [at] toronto.ca with your thoughts on the issue, especially if you live in his ward.
Val Dodge
Or better yet...
Sun, 05/31/2009 - 13:26If you have something to say about cycling in Ward 29, or just want to hear what's happening, join Ward 29 Bikes at our public meeting on June 17. City staff will be there.
Seymore Bikes
Wheel Sorry
Mon, 06/01/2009 - 10:26Now I can bike through Toronto without the burden of a Toronto cyclist's guilt.
Thank You Luke
dbiker (not verified)
Lets get aggravated, that works
Wed, 06/03/2009 - 19:12I'm not entirely sure why this is a war between motorists and cyclists.. China has more than 50x as many people, with many more bike, and they do fine. France and especially Holand have no problems...
its not US, or THEM that are to blame, its the CITY that can't be bothered to put properly separated bike lanes in for us and hold fast to an Ontario Highway Traffic Act that describes us as slow vehicles (like a tractor).
Those laws are outdated, these streets are built for a world with unlimited fossil fuels, and this feud is probably sponsored by the car companies so that car owners won't be tempted to sell their car and get a bike instead.
lowrider (not verified)
cyclists vs motorists
Wed, 06/03/2009 - 19:36i used to be a motorist and occasionally rent the odd zipcar as well but to be honest I've had more issues with cyclists abusing the rules of the road and cutting me off than cars do.
I'm a cyclist, not a courier (big difference), but a cyclist and enjoy riding my slow-ass lowrider around the city. I don't feel the need to weave in and out of traffic like many cyclists I've seen nor do i feel the need to race every damn car and other cyclists on the road. There's been so many times where i've been shunned or cut off by pretentious cyclists in the city, moreso than by motorists. I've seen so many close calls and near accidents because of some cyclist passing cars improperly or unsafely, running stop signs/lights, doing improper left turns and on and on.
Cyclists are constantly complaining that they're being treated unfairly, and i do agree. The bottom line is that if we all want respect by the city and not get run over by cars, then we should all obey the rules of the road. Period.