I'll admit I'm a bit jealous. I can't ride "no hands" for more than a few feet. It's my bikes, they're unbalanced, or maybe it's my inner ear, or the type of shoes I'm wearing. Regardless, there are better cyclists out there than I and to prove it here's a video a reader sent us. In it you'll see some impressive "no-handing" where he navigates tight turns with his shoes. All without "braking" a sweat.
And as Youtube works, I soon got sucked into related videos. This video was a response to a Chicago guy who does his entire waterfront ride with no hands. And that brought me to something even more impressive: a wheelie with no hands.
Maybe I've got this wrong but isn't this a bit like being a unicyclist but with a dangly bit on the front? Hey, I'd like to see someone do a reverse wheelie on a pennyfarthing. Any takers?
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