We can advise better, so let's do it!
Last night I had the start of a revelation. I had been wondering what was wrong with the Toronto Cycling Advisory Commitee, and through an unusual source, I had an epiphany.
Last night I had the start of a revelation. I had been wondering what was wrong with the Toronto Cycling Advisory Commitee, and through an unusual source, I had an epiphany.
Councillor A.A. Heaps, the new chair of the Toronto Cycling Committee announced today that the City will be doubling the number of bike lockers around the city over the next four years.
Many of the new locker locations will be at transit stops.
A couple days ago I wrote about the restructuring of the cycling commitee, in a blog entry called: Happy Bike Week! And, here's a sharp stick in the eye...
Then, my I Bike TO colleague Darren received some comments back from Councillor Heaps, the new chair, that can be read here.
Some of the answers (below) that he provided to me are similar.
I know a lot of questions have been asked of Councillor Heaps in the past few days. I took a moment to ask a few short questions I had on my mind. One issue that seemed to be coming up in online discussion was the idea of where new infrastructure might be placed. Would this lead to more focus on the long neglected suburban infrastructure? Will these changes to the committee make a difference? As Martin Koob pointed out, it's the mayor and council that are responsible for implementing the Bike Plan, not the TCC.
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