This a reminder that this Sunday, Nov. 23 from 10am to 2pm in Riverdale you'll get a chance to see the best cyclocross racers in the province race and wipeout in Riverdale Park East. If all goes well we should be able to see people in skimpy clothing and bikes evidently unsuited for the terrain to wipe out on muddy snow. One can hope. If not at least there will be sausages.
There will be:
- 30ft beer tent where riders go through at speed
- vendors permit for the sale of "100's" of vintage wool jerseys
- cowbells on sale for 1$
- hot dog/sausage vending
- free jetfuel coffee for everyone
- and a polish band!
Chills and thrills and spills!
See the full event details here.
Chris Bouchard (not verified)
Fri, 11/21/2008 - 08:16Hey everyone, very unfortunately, wool jersey man wasn't able to get it together to come out. Under the Weather bags will be out though, as well as a local guy who makes jewelery out of bike stuff. Everything else is on track including 288 cowbells for sale (a perfect stocking stuffer for all your family members), coffee, beer, the band the hot dog guy, and underdressed bicycle racers as herb has mentioned above.
cheers until Sunday!
jen (not verified)
verycool hope to catch it in 09
Mon, 11/24/2008 - 10:06hi there i live in the neighbourhood and walk my dog in the park and wanted to pass on kudos to youz re: the post-race cleanup, it was fabu not a beer/jetfuel cup to be had;), thx for your consideration to the locals...
hamish (not verified)
yup, it was good
Mon, 11/24/2008 - 10:15I'm not really into racing, but I do respect all of those who made great efforts in their races. Wow!
Nice to hear of the fastidious clean-up too - not the Santa Claus parade!
Very helpful coffee too.
The EnigManiac
I'd love to ride this...
Mon, 11/24/2008 - 20:08...