Queen's Park Grand Prix Toronto
Bikes & The G20
Bicycles and cyclists are getting a pretty shitty deal during the G20. As a volunteer photographer for the Alternative Media Centre (AMC) this week I have seen reports about cops giving out tickets to activits for not having bells on their bike and far worse, ring posts are being removed and cyclists in general are being profiled and harrassed. For updates and to share your story check the AMC website 2010.mediacoop.ca or use the #g20report to share you experiences.
Toronto is diverse, now a bit more diverse for cyclists: Toronto Cyclists Handbook launch

CultureLink and The Toronto Cyclists Union are launching the Toronto Cyclists Handbook (in 16 languages no less) this Friday in their event, Diverse Bicycle City, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm (Parkdale Community Recreation Centre, 75 Lansdowne Avenue (north of Queen).
Don Mills Centre to City Hall: Toronto Bike To Work Day
Join a group of cyclists for a fun, friendly, and casual ride from traditional car-centric suburbia (Don Mills Centre) to Downtown City Hall.
Date: Monday May 31st 2010
Departure Time: 7am (be there before 7am for a brief intro and speeches)
Meeting Location: Don Mills Road and Lawrence Avenue East Southwest Corner
City of Toronto Councillor and Budget Chief Shelley Carroll has confirmed her attendance, and has been warming up for the ride recently. So get ready for a beautiful cycling week in the sun!
Blessing Of The Bicycles - May 28th 6PM
Location: Bloor Street West at Spadina (southeast side) 6PM Sharp
With Minsiters Vicki Obedkoff & Hans van Nie
Trinity-St. Paul's United Church
Note: The Listings in NOW Magazine and the
City of Toronto Bike Month Guide are slightly
Darcy Allan Sheppard Memorial Fund - Please help
The Toronto Bike Messenger Association has established a memorial fund for funeral arrangements and to give support to his children.
Donations are being accepted at TOBMA via Paypal and in person at any TD Canada Trust location. Please reference Darcy Alllan Sheppard and/or account number 06906676860 to donate in person.
There will be a fundraising event on Saturday, September 26th 2009
Doors open at 9pm - $10 or pay what you can
at Sneaky Dee's - 431 College (College & Bathurst)
Bicycle Film Festival coming to Canada!
Benny Zenga has been hard at work this year as always on the Bicycle Film Festivals in Montreal and Toronto this month. I can especially recommend checking out his film about the Tour d'Afrique which he rode in part on a tall bike. Amazing!
BFF09 Toronto happens on August 19-22. Check the website for details.
Will You Be My Bicycle?
"Will You Be My Bicycle?" HotShot Gallery | Group Show
June 19 - July 3 | Opening June 20 | 7-9 PM
HotShot Gallery | 181 Augusta Avenue (in Kensington Market)
Bike Wash! - Saturday June 13
Bike Pirates - Bike Wash
Saturday June 13, 2-6pm
Wash! Lube! Air! Fun!
1292 Bloor St West (in the alley)
$5-10 PWYC
Fun for all!
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