CultureLink and The Toronto Cyclists Union are launching the Toronto Cyclists Handbook (in 16 languages no less) this Friday in their event, Diverse Bicycle City, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm (Parkdale Community Recreation Centre, 75 Lansdowne Avenue (north of Queen).
Various luminaries include Christopher Hume providing the keynote address; greetings from Gord Perks (Councillor in Parkdale-High Park), newcomer perspectives from Yu Li, Mari Rossi and others. Plus looks like they're throwing in some stuff that, thankfully, is not your regular buffet for a bike event: breakdancing and Kung fu demos (hopefully demonstrating how to deter bike theft).
About the partnership between CultureLink and The Toronto Cyclists Union:
Our goal is to promote the integration of newcomers in the Greater Toronto Area, by fostering cycling transportation as an affordable, healthy and convenient option. We encourage newcomers to learn about and engage in cycling advocacy and to get involved in the political systems affecting people in our city. Our work is guided by values of sustainability, empowerment, equity, inclusion, health, social justice, and cultural competence.
this is great
Thu, 06/03/2010 - 00:08I'm normally kind of argumentative, but this kind of inclusiveness is great. It not only addresses a language gap, but gaps between what is "normal" in originating countries and cycling here in T.O. (and Canada). Good on both orgs for doing what they do best, together.