So, it's on after all. A TTC Strike.
I wonder if the City can do more for Bikes than the measly three or four streets offered for bikes as special routes.
Need info? Check out this page out about how to get around during a TTC strike on your bike .
Bike The Strike!
hamish (not verified)
logical places for bike lanes
Sat, 04/26/2008 - 14:17It's been striking me for quite a few years that the logical places for bike lanes - strikes or no strikes - are beside of, or on top of our big subways.
So not only Bloor/Danforth, but why not University Ave. as per suggestions in the Bike Plan and a letter I got into the Star in 2001 I think it was.
I suppose setting a precedent of providing bike lanes on the carterials isn't an appropriate response or precedent for Caronto, climate carisis or not!
OH Hamish,
Sat, 04/26/2008 - 23:01Show me a logical politician, still alive and breathing, and I will show where they put a logical bike lane.
hamish (not verified)
oh Darren try this
Sun, 04/27/2008 - 10:46