Photo: chewie007
The 2nd Annual Toronto Bike Awards are coming up January 19 and t's time to choose the key person or group to receive the I Bike T.O. Award. Readers, now is your turn to suggest the person or group who did the most to promote or improve cycling in our sometimes cycling-friendly city.
In your comments state the name of the group or person plus your reasoning. We will collect the names and put it to a poll next week.
Update Jan 6/10: Any new comments that aren't nominations will be deleted. So put on your thinking caps and start nominating people!
hamish (not verified)
uh, there's a coordination problem!
Tue, 01/05/2010 - 17:38Having a celebratory event trying to encompass and honour a wide range of our cycling community on the same night as the TCAC meeting is kinda dumb and wrong. The TCAC gets enough diss from the politicians without having to endure having a larger group of cyclists partying away on the same night they might be trying to change the City for better biking. And one eg. - as Yvonne is now almost in the habit of going to these meetings - and it's a peculiar and acquired taste - does she duck out for half the meeting to get more public recognition of her hard work? If one believes in the ability of citizens to influence the City on bike issues - and it's debatable I know, though not from the lack of effort of citizens - then these nods should not be on the same night.
The only people out of touch is TCAC.
Tue, 01/05/2010 - 19:15Sorry Hamish, you are dead wrong. TCAC does not represent the "City" but rather downtown. They could not find there way out of downtown without a chauffeur. If you have ever wondered why cyclists living in the suburbs are so disenfranchised you only need to look so far as TCAC. What was it that Heaps said about reaching out to the suburbs? Something that he is not running a "roadshow" and staff being too busy to leave downtown? I suppose maybe too far? Too dangerous maybe? The new City ombudsman was critical of City services that approached communities in the same way TCAC does.
Where was TCAC when their mouthpiece supported licensing for cyclists or when he gave police a pass on parking in bike lanes when every cycling group demanded accountability? TCAC is a colossal waste of taxpayer money.
Please do not spin the Mike Harris record, this is as old, irrelevant and worn out as the Bike Plan.
ok. Where do I vote for Hamish?
Tue, 01/05/2010 - 18:04I vote for Hamish.
Outspoken, sincere, opinionated.
If he bruises a few egos reminding Caronto representatives they are employed by people and NOT the CAA, so much the better.
Now if only we could get Hamish out of the core long enough to notice the burbs need bikelanes too.
Tom Flaherty
Truth Handling 101
Wed, 01/06/2010 - 14:511. TCAC was (is?) supposed to take place on January 18th. Although the website now has it on Jan. 19, I noted it as Jan. 18 from the TCAC web page a few weeks ago - even the I BIKE T.O. event calendar has it on the 18th.
2. TCAC is not a waste of taxpayer money as it is almost entirely comprised of volunteers who act in the best interest of cycling and I applaud them for it! I have . more respect for the members of TCAC than those that offer simple criticism
3. Cycling in the suburbs is about 20% of what you see in downtown, so if change is going to happen it is reasonable to suggest that the city centre is the best place to start.
4. Thanks for making Hamish's point Darren, TCAC does take a lot of abuse, and you're no exception. Since devoting my time to cycling advocacy a couple of years ago, I’m still shocked at the length people will go to in order to rip another’s effort to improve cycling; like we needed more adversity!
5. It is obviusly counter productive to hold two cycling events on the same night – surely we could all agree on that?
Tom Flaherty
TCAC Schedule
Wed, 01/06/2010 - 14:55The 2010 TCAC Schedule is not yet posted on the Toronto.ca website, Jan. 19 was the 2009 date. The next TCAC Meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 18, 2010.
Happy New Year
Wed, 01/06/2010 - 05:24So exactly how long do those in the suburbs have to wait before it becomes reasonable that they become part of the process? If TCAC and Ctiy staff had to travel out of the downtown, maybe just maybe, they could get first hand experience what their fellow cyclists have to deal with. Seems like there are a lot more potential cyclists in the suburbs than downtown which is reaching its threshold. Though maybe we should leave the downtowners just were they are, they have made a brilliant mess of things.
Here is Toronto's ombudsperson telling us why it is so important to include the outlying areas in City Services,
"I've been on the job for six months now and I have said from the outset that the hallmark of this office is accessibility," said Crean. "Well, the single mom working in Rexdale is unlikely to be able to get down to city hall. -http://www.insidetoronto.com/news/cityhall/article/156114--city-s-ombuds...
"Abuse"? Nice. Is that from the George Bush playbook? Anyone that does not tow the company line is enemy.
TCAC has specific points of reference. No where did I see it supporting the licensing of cyclists. What about "The Toronto Cycling Advisory Committee may consider holding meetings in different areas of the City to encourage participation from all areas of the City."? The Chair said no and the rest followed. This is "representing cyclists' interests within the City"? This is "abuse" to take them to task on this? The accusation of "abuse" is sad, easier to make this claim than have to deal with facts.
I have nothing contrary to offer to the suggestion that TCAC members are generally good people. Unfortunately they make very questionable decisions representing Toronto cyclists.
Tom Flaherty
Wed, 01/06/2010 - 09:56Constructive criticism is a good thing, but there is nothing good that comes from slander and insults.
Quoting an Ombudsman is fine, and its relevant I suppose, and easily distinguished from suggesting that "TCAC is a colossal waste of taxpayer money", and yes I regard comments like that as more abusive than useful.
I would never expect anyone to offer their support blindly for cycling or anything else, but I also expect that there are reasonable points being made where criticism is concerned.
I don't see how TCAC is ignoring the issues that exist in the suburbs, but if there are "facts" that need to be addressed, I would encourage people to bring them forward.
hamish (not verified)
TCAC was dissed in licensing process
Wed, 01/06/2010 - 10:58Perhaps less noticed in the fine print around the licensing stuff was that the City opted to AVOID having TCAC involved in their internal "consultation" process. And I really wonder who Darren is saying is TCAC's "mouthpiece" - is it Mr. Heaps? He's his own spokesperson who arguably in his jumping the gun about the Bloor/Danforth bikeway in referencing doing the Danforth quickly helped set it back to yet more study.
And my experiences in watching TCAC is that he's sooo hands-on at times it's like Homer's hands-on Bart's throat - and the reduction in TCAC numbers sub-committtees, and meetings means far less ability to push forward some things it seems. Mr. Heaps is your councillor Darren - so keep in touch with him eh? How about expanding TCAC for the next term by 5?
Darren's correct in some ways that suburban cycling issues are neglected, and the conditions are more hellish and dangerous (unless one rides on sidewalks) and we should be supporting the new lanes on Lawrence, not that I've tracked the "progress" as there's a lack of it in the core.
Given overall shortfalls and demands on staff time, I'm wondering how wise/viable the makework and costly c. $25M+ suburban trails are vs. say doing the Danforth for Darren (and others) at $25,000 a km. TCAC has been avoided in this makework "decision" too.
But this new mapping of cycling habits does show most biking remains in the core it seems...
though they seem to have avoided surveying the very central core, and we also need to ask/figure out where people are going to? What a concept - an origin/destination study for cyclists?
So the bulk of commuter cyclists seem to be mostly in the old Toronto - but to have changes to our streets the majority of councillors have to vote for it - and the majority of councillors are from the older suburbs and often drive cars though Councillor deBaeremaeker is likely a harder-ass cyclists than many of us in the core, and even Councillor Heaps may still be biking.
Some good news though - Ootes is declining to run again...maybe we should try to coax him, Rae and Miller to create a real legacy for bikes with finishing Bloor properly for bike safety by widening the new road by 1M to permit true bike lanes...,
off topic
Wed, 01/06/2010 - 14:53This post has gone off-topic. Either it gets quickly on topic or I will close it. Someone can start a forum topic on TCAC.
Does anyone have any other suggestions for who best promoted cycling in 2009? We will take suggestions until Monday, January 11, at which point I'll create a poll of the options.
I suggest Tammy Thorne with her work on starting up Dandyhorse and her work to organize the community participation with the City on the West End. The West End consultation was a model for how the city can get the community involved. Despite less than ideal conditions in the West End, it helped to identify how the City can quickly make measurable improvements. And as for Dandyhorse, it's a great magazine.
hamish (not verified)
coordination/timing conflicts aside...
Wed, 01/06/2010 - 16:08Tammy's also done a Lot! of good work at TCAC - maybe you've not been there Herb....
And it's quick-thought pressing on the entire Toronto area, not just core issues - and it would be of interest to hear/get her thoughts on the overall utility/benefit of that West End project - she may have a less positive opinion of it all than you do perhaps Herb.
Wed, 01/06/2010 - 17:06Let's focus, Hamish.
The task at hand is coming up with names, not asking Tammy what she thinks about this or that.
Names, people! We want names!!
Wed, 01/06/2010 - 18:40Sorry no name but the bike mechanic and homeless person that hangs out on the northwest corner of Sherbourne and Queen St. fixing bikes. While he advertises prices on a simple cardboard he reportedly does free repairs for people in the same boat as he. I have tried a few times to meet him but he had customers and I did not want disturb him.
Martin Reis. An unabashed cycling culture freak.
Angela Bischoff. Commitment and energy.
Malvern Bicycle Classic
Random cyclist (not verified)
Two people
Thu, 01/07/2010 - 12:47I would second the Nomination for Tammy Thorne
The other individual that comes to mind is Ajith Aluthwatta for the work that he's done in getting CultureLink behind cycling advocacy.
hamish (not verified)
3 other good spoke folks;
Thu, 01/07/2010 - 15:16So with the threadening closure - a need to focus, just as Mr. K. Rae told me to last year.
Of course there's Yvonne, who's been dealing with all sorts of situations and volunteers and emails, usually with grace and a nuanced disciplined response - and goes beyond it just being a job, as she's had a few years of helping SFP/Kensington..
Margaret Hastings-James has done a lot of work over the years as well - steadily - sometimes on committees (both Ped and TCAC), sometimes at meetings, sometimes behind the scenes, And she was invaluable in helping the Safe Cycling Coalition and the Bloor/Yorkville effort.
Martin Reis has been Incredibly Present over the many years - doing a huge amount of pic-taking and picture sharing; ARC; some public meetings but maybe most important is a great blog of the Bike Lane Diary. He's been really helpful to me with my fledgling venture into pic-taking - images often being far more effective than longer messives and hwarangues....
I know there are others - sooo many people do things - one thought being Glenn deBaeremaeker, a 2nd one being you Herb with this blog, And speaking of online/tech, Ben Wendt is tremendously on-call/great! and Darren has saved the takethetooker site a couple of times too....
And Nancy, and Nancy
Is a mechanic like Derek or George or Jerry or Martin or Brad in the running because they keep sooo! many people running?
How to choose? How to be somewhat fair and considerate?
Thu, 01/07/2010 - 16:03Thanks for focusing, Hamish.
Those are all worthy candidates, yourself included. Derek would be worthy as both a mechanic and an activist.
In the end it's never quite "fair", but at least we all get to celebrate a bit and pat ourselves on our backs.
That being said, I hope everyone decides to recover from the TCAC meeting the day before to go to the Bike Awards on the 19th.
The Pedaller (not verified)
Thu, 01/07/2010 - 16:18David Miller - For his promotion of cycling in Toronto, active in Bike Month, big on Jarvis, etc. I wonder how much would have been achieved had his vote caried more weight. What does the future have in store?
Tammy Thorne - For TCAC, Dandy Horse, her time and her tenacity - which is basically responsible for getting the MGT Trail cleared last winter.
It goes without saying that there are many, many individualls that give so much of themselves for cycling (Nancy, Yvonne, Dan, Herb, Marty, Tino, etc...)
Goober McFly (not verified)
Thu, 01/07/2010 - 20:44I've seen about 10 really good suggestions, I'd like to add Anthony Humphreys to the list.
He's a great spokesman and solid grassroots worker for better cycling.
Also a nice guy.
David Juliusson (not verified)
I second Anthony Humphreys
Fri, 01/08/2010 - 11:50I second Anthony Humphreys for the list. He is an articulate committed activist for bike issues. He is very involved with the Bike union, TCAT, the Cycling Committee and this web page. He also does alot at the community level and the only BUG I know about in my ward.
I would also like to add Dave Meslin and Rick Conroy to the list.
Matthew Todd (not verified)
Geoff Kettel (Individual) and 29 Bikes (Group)
Sat, 01/09/2010 - 10:18I'd like to nominate 29 Bikes for their Bloor Viaduct report and for their organising of the East End advocacy meeting. Fighting against Case Ootes cannot be easy.
And Geoff Kettel for leading a group to preparing and presenting a report of the state of bicycling in thier own ward, and for getting thier Councillor (John Parker) to ride to City Hall (Albeit on an e-bike) on the annual "Ride to work" day. It's only too bad that they could not get Parker to vote for the Bike Lanes on Jarvis on the same day.
hamish (not verified)
not david miller please
Fri, 01/08/2010 - 14:19Sure, he's been good at offering the sustained bull about biking and climate change, and some good things have been happening, but with biking in particular, there's too much of a shortfall.
What about say, the Works Dept. snow-clearing team - what would we do but whine if there wasn't any! snowplowing at all through the winter....often at night.
This is likely a "next year" sorta idea - there's still persistent lack of plowing in those indented parking bays, and while the plowing of the bike lanes is better....
Goober McFly (not verified)
Hey Hamish
Fri, 01/08/2010 - 21:03I don't think you can un-nominate someone. ;-)
The Pedaller (not verified)
Fri, 01/08/2010 - 15:11I understand the lack of bike lanes built under Miller's watch, but he seemed to do all he could to further the cause, e.g.: voting consistently for bike lanes; he was arguably our most Bike Savvy Mayor.
By the time his term is up, we will have Bike Lanes on Jarvis, Winter Riding on the MGT, a revised Bike Plan and a dedicated Manager of Cycling Infrastructure. Add to all of that, he actually owns a Bike and is a huge supporter of Bike Month.
Matthew Todd (not verified)
Geoff Kettel (Individual), 29 Bikes (Group)
Sat, 01/09/2010 - 00:25I'll offer Geoff Kettel's name as a person who helped to motivate a small group in Ward 26 which even got John Parker to City Hall to ride to City Hall (albeit on an E-bike) on to Ride-to-Work day. (Alas, they could not get him John vote for the bike lanes on Jarvis later that same day).
The folks at 29 Bikes probably did more for cycling by organising and running their East End advocacy meeting. And of these guys are quite nice, too. And they published their Bloor Viaduct report this past year.
east end cyclist (not verified)
Sat, 01/09/2010 - 11:38From an advocate involved...
Kettel had little to do with Cycle26's progress, and had nothing to do with John Parker riding an e-bike to City Hall. Louis Fliss arranged the e-bike, and Brian Betsworth organized the ride.
Cycle26 are Ian Hallett, Louis Fliss, Brian Betsworth, and Geoff Kettel.
29Bikes are Tom Flaherty, Vincent De Tourdonnet, Val Dodge, Luke Siragusa, and Hamish Wilson.
29Bikes' "Bloor Viaduct" report, and Cycle26's "Rolling ForWard26" documents put forward to City Hall have done more for cycling in the East end than any event or meeting. Their meritorious recomendations have been heard, and are due for implementation in the Spring.
Cycle26 ande 29Bikes are the only two TCU Ward groups to have produced something tangible, notwithstanding bringing together cyclists in their Wards for events.
The strength and success of these groups are in their collaborative, group-effort natures. No one person should be credited, or can do it all. Ask Mes...
angela (not verified)
Albert and Hamish
Sat, 01/09/2010 - 12:23Albert Koehl - Lawyer; has represented cyclists on many occasion, most notably the Safe Cycling Coalition that took on the City over the Bloor Street Reconstruction fiasco; has taken the lead on the annual Bells on Bloor rides; and most recently is supporting Wayne Scott on his court case for safe streets for 2-wheeled workers
Hamish Wilson - Veteran bike activist; who else has been on the City's case for 2 decades for bike safety/facilities? He's a stalwart, persistent, humorous, prolific, with a penchant for detail - so what if he's a curmudgeon? :) There sure is good reason to be.
Heather (not verified)
I agree Albert is deserving,
Sat, 01/09/2010 - 19:52I agree Albert is deserving, that's why he won last year. I nominate Marty Collier for getting road pricing on the agenda and his long-standing dedication to cycling and urban renewal.
hamish (not verified)
there's Angela too...
Sun, 01/10/2010 - 11:41Very committed, active, catalytic, organized and organizing, supportive, year-round rider, gets the global context and how behind we are here.
can I squeeze Cris Bouchard in there too?
Sun, 01/10/2010 - 19:31Yes, she works for the evil City of Toronto empire. BUT she is in the bicycling advocacy department.
She also tolerated and entertained the rantings of a mad road pate (me) who REALLY WANTED a full time ice bike facility during the winter months when natural ice could be made without aid of compressors.
NOTE: road pate is what is left of a bicyclist after a motorholic hood ornaments them.
This was winter 2007/2008 when I was particularly frustrated by a non-union clavicle and rsd (reflex sympathetic dystrophy) in my dominant hand.
In the "this isn't happening" department, Tammy Thorne introduced me to Cris on Friday July 27, 2007 at Alternative Grounds on Roncesvalles. Alternative Grounds was offering bicycle commuters free coffee on "bike Fridays". Kudos to Alternative Grounds.
I'll never forget that day. Cheri DiNovo was at the cafe. I felt incredibly strong. Life was good.
Then this happened:
Cheers Hamish for all the support and unmitigated pounding for the obvious Bloor Street bikeway. Cheers Cris and Tammy. Cheers Kevin and Anthony. Cheers Martin Koob, Tino Reis, Marty Collier and Albert Koehl.
Albert is the only of the above I've not had the honour to meet to date.
Seymore Bikes
A Ward
Mon, 01/11/2010 - 09:15I would like to recommend Donald Wiedman. He started Go By Bike in 2008 and then Bikes+Transit.com in 2009. His direction and strategy helped guide advocacy in the East end of the City. He has dedicated his time to many worthwhile causes in support of cycling, much of it goes un-recognized.
hamish (not verified)
Maybe even TCAC? and beyond...
Mon, 01/11/2010 - 15:14Tand this may not sit well with some, but the collective giving of time by the TCAC folks is a sustained commitment to cycling, and no, it's all not enough being done, not bold enough etc. but the TCACers have been constrained to some degree by the Chair, and fewer meetings, and fewer velonteers due to the chopping off of 2/3 of them. But if the City is what's providing or not providing the bike facilities, to some degree these 8 are on the frontlines of any proddings.
Also - if awards are given to those taking hits - Geoffrey took a big one, and we haven't really brought forward his issues to officialdumb.
And speaking of hits, and beyond, maybe Al Sheppard? post-humously? His death has really pushed forward the issues of biking on Bloor to a hopefully soon global prominence, and brought biking to front pages and most of our conversations more locally.
Also thinking sometime Patrick Brown could get recognition - sure, he charges for his time but he also has done some good strategic advocacy work on insurance, and helps support Dandyhorse with ads.
David Juliusson (not verified)
I nominate Sam Bootsma for an Ibiketo award
Tue, 01/12/2010 - 15:42I nominate Sam Bootsma for an Ibiketo award.
Sam has been involved the Downsview Park that could potentially offer cyclists car-free recreational riding / commuting from Sheppard Avenue between Allan Road and Keele Street) south to Eglinton Street .
He is a good example of a cycling advocate working at the local level. He has been working for at least two years on it. It is outside the downtown core in an area many people on this page consider not worth advocating for because it is in "suburbia". It has the potential to make a major impact on a whole area of the city.
good nominations
Tue, 01/12/2010 - 18:39Thanks for all your nominations, folks! We've got many valuable and great candidates to choose from!
Now comes a poll which will run until Monday, January 18, after which the I Bike T.O. folks will review the poll and make the final decision.