Did you fail to get your "bodily oils" flowing with a nice winter bike ride? Well, you missed out on the pleasure of cold weather rolling, as well as the opportunity of hearing Councillor Heaps talk about fluids, oils and pleasure as he trumpeted winter cycling. If you were more likely to be at your favorite brunch spot instead, here is a recap.
After leaving High Park at noon we rode approximately 1/2 km before stopping for hot chocolate, a view of the snow plows that clear the Martin Goodman Trail, and listen to Heaps' press conference on the benefits of cycling and plowing the trail, both worthy causes.
[img_assist|nid=3747|title=Snow clearers|desc=Credit: Brian Betsworth|link=node|align=center|width=500|height=375]
We stood around drinking hot chocolate, looking at the distinct lack of snow. The plow guys were probably feeling under-appreciated.
[img_assist|nid=3746|title=Crowd stopped for hot chocolate and plows|desc=Credit: Brian Betsworth|link=node|align=center|width=500|height=375]
There was a distinct over-representation of "sporty" cyclists. I'm not sure where all these cyclists came from. I see a lot of winter cyclists but rarely see them decked out in waterproof booties, jackets, helmet covers and tights. Apparently such cyclists do exist, but they are a rare breed downtown. TBN must have recruited a sizable portion of their membership.
[img_assist|nid=3749|title=Ride on|desc=Credit: Brian Betsworth|link=node|align=center|width=500|height=375]
We ride off while the press films and snaps photos of our little group bravely making the short trip to Little Norway Park. Must have been a slow news day.
I'm not sure if the media was convinced it was such a good idea. Hard to say. We had the lack of snow on our side, but it was a really cold day for Toronto and Torontonians aren't like other Canadians who can be found outside even on the coldest days. And the fact that some were covered head to toe in fancy waterproof bike gear likely didn't help.
dances_with_traffic (not verified)
Looked like rain/snowstorm?
Mon, 02/01/2010 - 20:54Don't worry Herb, we'll get you sportin' some nice waterproof gear soon!
One of us! One of us!
Congrats to everybody who showed up not in "sporty" gear, even if they looked like hobos!
Kevin (not verified)
I was a bit late
Mon, 02/01/2010 - 21:26Me and my very non-sporty Pashley caught up with the group right at the end. It was nice chatting with everyone who went to the Biermarkt.
Non-sporty Representative
Wed, 02/03/2010 - 16:58Hey! I don't think I looked one bit like a hobo. Hah... in fact, that's me on the left in the final photo up above.
It was a chilly ride, but if there had been slush and maybe that sideways snow and wind it would have made better TV. I'm thinking I should have gone to Bier Markt.
Here's more photos: http://bikingtoronto.com/duncan/scenes-from-the-cold-torontos-coldest-da...