Here is a fast update about what is happening in the world of Sam James and the bike lane that runs in front of his shop. For those not in the know, Emma, barista extrdinare had a wee bit of a run in with a car driver that really needed a coffee and had to park in the bike lane to get it.
Emma had informed the lady that if she continued to park in the bike lane she might get a fine. The woman returned to the coffee shop and talked with Sam, the owner, and told him that Emma was rude and should be dismissed. Sam in turn dismissed the customer.
After the incident Sam told me that he was going to get a no parking sign to inform customers who insisted in parking in the bike lane that it was a big no-no. He told me that he was having a sign made.
Well true to his word a no parking sign appeared on the sidewalk. Sam also added that if drivers insisted on parking in the bike lane then he would have to stop serving them. Kudo's to you Sam, Emma and the rest of the staff at Sam James Coffee Shop.
zhou (not verified)
my hero
Thu, 05/06/2010 - 17:13I am going to go spend money there, on principle.
hamish (not verified)
a difference between customers, and suppliers
Thu, 05/06/2010 - 17:45maybe it's a subtle distinction, but at times don't ALL stores need to have materials brought in, and those stores that don't have back lanes etc. may have issues with needing to have their delivery vehicles be stopped outside, even if there is a bike lane. So customers are one thing, but even our coffee has to come from somewhere, ie. it's driven locally, and not delivered by bike...
Lara (not verified)
A bike lane is a bike lane
Thu, 05/06/2010 - 21:00A bike lane is a bike lane and shouldn't be used for parking. Delivery trucks etc. seem to think it's ok but it makes it really unsafe and annoying to have to veer around a vehicle that is obstructing the lane.
No problem
Fri, 05/07/2010 - 12:05They can park across the street. ;-)
Jacob L.
A heartfelt ending to a
Thu, 05/06/2010 - 18:23A heartfelt ending to a heart-touching story.
kevcomm (not verified)
Park in the travel lane, if there are two
Thu, 05/06/2010 - 23:28Why can't delivery trucks just park in the travel lane, if there are more than one in each direction? Are the fines any different from parking in a normal lane vs a bl?
Antony (not verified)
The funny thing is, most
Fri, 05/07/2010 - 11:38The funny thing is, most delivery trucks are so wide they block both the bike and the curb lanes when they stop.
Blocking the bike lane seems to be either for convenience (so they don't have to deal with bikes squeezing between their parked truck and the curb) or as a way of showing motorists "Look, I'm doing my best".
Regardless, it doesn't matter... bike riders just have to do a 3-to-1 lane merge around the delivery truck.
Antony (not verified)
Also, I feel like a coffee.
Fri, 05/07/2010 - 11:39Also, I feel like a coffee.
IanF (not verified)
What's the solution
Fri, 05/07/2010 - 12:02I love what Sam is doing and I am certainly livid when I see a car using the bike lane. But I am more sympathetic to delivery vehicles. I am honestly trying to figure out what is a solution for stores with no other access than their front door.
Delivery vehicles should not park in the vehicle lane. You can be sure I will not pass in between the curb and a delivery truck, way too many variables.
And it's not reasonable to expect a delivery vehicle to park more than 75 metres from their destination. They provide a service we all benefit from and they are encouraged, for good reasons, to do it quickly (and safely!).
So what should the solution be? Perhaps they could have signs that illuminate and say "yield to cyclists" the way buses have signs indicating their priority? Maybe deliveries along Spadina, for example, can be made in back alleys with box bikes from a central depot? Maybe there is room for some accommodation from all road users on this? It seems separated bike lanes with a buffer for car doors would help everyone out.
I would love to read other people's ideas.
dash (not verified)
Next up, keep the hipsters
Fri, 05/07/2010 - 13:42Next up, keep the hipsters from populating the curb, sticking their feet into the lane. Install more seating, perhaps?
David Juliusson (not verified)
I get upset with Canada Post parking in the bike lanes
Fri, 05/07/2010 - 15:03I get upset with Canada Post parking in the bike lanes. They do so with impunity.
They seem to beieve they have the right to park right in front of the mailbox. I have seen them park in front of No Parking signs. Bike lanes are ideal for them even if there is parking close by. They are safe in the knowledge they will never be ticketed.
Dick Snyder (not verified)
Rock on, Sam!
Fri, 05/07/2010 - 16:15I sympathize with delivery vehicles, absolutely. But car drivers must be made aware that they're convenience does not trump our safety. I've posted this blog at City Bites magazine's Facebook page. I expect more discussion will ensue!
hamish (not verified)
yes, deliveries can be problematic
Sat, 05/08/2010 - 11:05including for bike stores, right Derek?
Wes (not verified)
I love you, Sam & Emma! :D
Tue, 05/11/2010 - 13:55While I normally stop by Sam's by bike, I've also stopped by there a number of times while driving, and each time I've managed to do so without parking in the bike lane. Sure, I've sometimes had to park 50m away on Harbord, or on Clinton St, but thankfully my legs aren't broken so I'm able to walk for 30 seconds to get there. ;)
Huge props to Sam (and the rest of the SJCB crew) for standing up to arrogant drivers AND making some of the most delicious coffee in the city.
ps. thanks for the hi5 this morning, Martino. ;)
Another update
Wed, 05/12/2010 - 13:12Despite no parking signage and wonderful staff helping drivers with their parking needs, there was still a daily parking in the bike lane problem. So, with the help of friends we did something about it ...(ALL DAY)
kevcomm (not verified)
Wed, 05/12/2010 - 13:28Sweet job Tino! Why don't they just lay down pylons like those permanently!? They would help a lot.
Thank you
Wed, 05/12/2010 - 17:57The action needs a bit of caretaking. A UPS truck ran over a bunch of them briefly.
Need a set of bigger cones to make it work. Would be a fun experiment.
Dorph1 (not verified)
Rode past today
Sun, 05/16/2010 - 20:58Was going to spend money dollars in this coffee shop but they were closing up. I will keep riding past with intentions same.
bike lanes are not parking for coffee shop
Fri, 06/04/2010 - 10:29From the June 3 Star:
That would be this cycling blog, thank you very much.