Toronto's taken a small but big step into catching up to cities like Portland and Montreal by installing 16 bike parking spots in a "bike corral", taking over 2 car parking spots in front of the 215 Spadina building, workplace to many cyclists. A lot of credit goes to the tenants at 215 Spadina, including Matt Blackett of Spacing Magazine and Yvonne Bambrick of the Toronto Cyclists Union. Their nagging and pushing Councillor Adam Vaughan and city staff helped to push this into reality. Instead of only 2 people having the privilege of parking their vehicle, now 16 people have it.
Over 75% of 215 tenants bike to work in the summer, according to Matt at Spacing. Many of them being forced to lock up to any sign, tree or gas metre in the vicinity. The extra post and rings installed this spring are already overloaded. It appears as if even the bike corral is full most of the time. Time to install even more!
In the true spirit of modern bike infrastructure, the city has put the racks in as a pilot project. They will be reviewed and next spring expanded to other sites. Cyclists may find the idea of a pilot maddeningly slow and cautious, but they should consider that pilot projects have helped push infrastructure into reality where otherwise opponents would shut them down (University Avenue being the exception). New York City has installed a large number of bike and pedestrian friendly lanes and squares simply by starting them as temporary paint and bollards.
The reality is that even something as simple as bike parking meets opposition from all corners, be it suburban councillors, internal bureaucracy and the Toronto Parking Authority, who may be losing revenue by giving up the spots. Doing pilot projects demonstrates that there is a real need being met.
From the bike union:
The rack is also a unique design. The front wheel is wedged between two metal brackets that form an 'anchor' of sorts for each spot. The anchor spots, 8 in each of the two new racks, alternate with one near the ground, next to one that is raised in a 'one up/one down' pattern that allows bikes to fit better side by side.
City staff say that if this seasonal bike parking pilot proves successful, they will consider installing it in other high bike traffic areas as of next Spring.
hamish (not verified)
some good news
Tue, 07/13/2010 - 20:04I'm pleased that the City has found some room for bike parking here - and of course it'd also be nice to have them find room on very wide Spadina for bike lanes, but I guess we'll have to wait a few more decades till we rebuild it so long-lived are dumb, even cariminal (as in climate cariminal) design decisions - like Bloor St. in Yorkvile that Mr. Vaughan and most all of Council voted for.
TIm Horton (not verified)
the Toronto Parking
Wed, 07/14/2010 - 23:59>the Toronto Parking Authority, who may be losing revenue by giving up the spots.
If they did their damn job and ticketed and prosecuted those who park in the designated bike lanes they would not only make up for the so-called loss from 2 spaces but probly meet their quota instead!
J (not verified)
the TPA
Thu, 07/15/2010 - 19:23doesn't do the ticketing. Thats the Toronto Police Service.
2 different organizations, 2 different budgets, 2 different bottom lines and mandates.
seasonal? so its gone come ... ?
Tue, 07/20/2010 - 10:54"City staff say that if this seasonal bike parking pilot proves successful, they will consider installing it in other high bike traffic areas as of next Spring. "
So when will it be pulled? 215 Spadina was short bicycle parking last winter as well if memory serves. This rumour of seasonal bicycling is tired, old and cranky. Time to put it to bed and leave the corral in place during the winter months.
Antony (not verified)
Geoff - the reason is
Tue, 07/20/2010 - 17:32Geoff - the reason is probably snow removal. Both street and sidewalk plows would push snow into that bicycle parking area. You could never clear it without sending in city workers with hand shovels (much $$$$).
Lillian Mountweazel (not verified)
Bike Parking...
Tue, 07/20/2010 - 18:18Why aren't these on the enormously wide sidewalks at that part of Spadina? Bike parking is tremendously important, but this seems like an inefficient use of parking space. Is it because the open area is across the street? I'm not sure I understand this beyond sticking it to the man, and ringing your bell while doing it...In a different, better, world 18 people would be able to park in this area instead of either 2 or 16.