Sorry to be the bearer of bad news – and in fact, I’m not; NOW Magazine scooped me on this by hours – but if you think we won a one-year reprieve on Jarvis demolition and a straight swap for separated bike lanes on Sherbourne, better think again.
Read the amended agenda item PW5.1 carefully and without the rose-coloured glasses. Check motion 10c by Denzil Minnan-Wong, amending Kristin Wong-Tam’s motion to delay the Jarvis “reconversion-to-superhighway” until the separated bike lanes on Sherbourne are completed. Note particularly the following:
- deleting the words "only after" and replacing them with "and co-ordinate", and
- adding to the end the words "and staff be directed to take all steps required to revert Jarvis Street to its pre-existing operation such that implementation can be achieved as soon as possible…
Watch the video archive of the meeting so you can see Councillor Minnan-Wong deflect any attempts to make him define “co-ordinate”, or clarify what happens to Jarvis if the Sherbourne separated lanes are delayed or cancelled. He says that it’s not necessary to clarify the intent in of his amendment in writing because he has already discussed it with staff, and “they know what I mean”. He states that they “don’t anticipate” any impediments that might derail the scheduled reconfiguration of Sherbourne Street, even as a KPMG “Core Services” report identifies cycling infrastructure as one of the very few budget items that can be legally cut.
To recap: Kristin Wong-Tam wanted to make the elimination of bike lanes on Jarvis contingent on the completion of separated lanes on Sherbourne. Minnan-Wong’s amendment completely decouples the two, substituting the vague term “co-ordinate” instead. In the (very likely) event that Council decides they can’t afford to fund the Sherbourne lanes in 2012, the Jarvis reconversion could be commenced immediately. That’s what “as soon as possible” means.
We’re being had, people. Don’t even think of falling for it.
Random cyclist (not verified)
Not only does Minnan-Wong
Fri, 07/15/2011 - 11:10Not only does Minnan-Wong live on the dark side, he is clever. By negating Wong-Tam’s 2nd of 3 cascading motions, he was able to kill the Jarvis lanes while avoiding the embarrassment of voting against Wong-Tam’s 3rd motion which would have required community consultation before removing the lanes.