Filmed last summer, Les bons, les méchants et la bicyclette by Mediatique of Montreal gives an outsiders view of cycling in Toronto with a clear lens of the madness that we just get used to living in this large city.
The film, in French, appeared on Radio-Canada television in September:
on présente un documentaire sur la vie des cyclistes torontois. Sous le titre, Les bons, les méchants et la bicyclette, le journaliste, écrivain et humoriste Josh Freed nous convie à une virée à vélo à travers les rues de la ville reine.
Translated as: "presents a documentary on the life of Toronto cyclists. Under the title, The good, the bad and the bicycle, journalist, writer and humorist Josh Freed takes us on a bike ride through the streets of the Queen City. [links mine]"
Huh, "Queen City"? That's an interesting nickname for this city I haven't heard yet.
Josh Freed, an anglophone, who lives in Montreal, helps provide an interesting outsider's view of what it's like to bike in Toronto. Even if your French is rusty you'll probably like it.
Frankly it makes me feel a bit embarrassed on behalf of our citizenry.
selkie (not verified)
every word true - this city
Thu, 12/17/2015 - 07:24every word true - this city is indeed "le plus hostile" to cyclists - as someone who has biked in the nirvana that is Montreal - it must indeed have been a terrible shock.
Hey, I liked it even though I
Thu, 12/17/2015 - 17:11Hey, I liked it even though I understood less than half of the audio.
There's a lot of truth and insight, but I hope a similar documentary done 10 years from now will show us as a cycling city on par or even better than Montreal!
Kevin (not verified)
Quels droles accents
Sat, 12/19/2015 - 15:03Quels droles accents d'anglophone! Merci pour avoir partage la video herb. Lors des sequences filmes a Toronto, mon coeur s'est mis a battre fortement, comme il le fait a chaque fois que je mets soulier sur pedale dans les mean streets of Toronto. I see that Toronto is making some progress, but Montreal is the act to follow.
He's clearly an Anglophone
Sun, 02/07/2016 - 14:37He's clearly an Anglophone Quebecker, Kevin, who speaks French and produced this video for Radio-Canada. If he were a French-Canadian doing an English report would you make cracks about his "funny Francophone accent?" Come on.