If you come across potholes or road maintenance issues you can call **311 Toronto** or you can use their online form to submit a request for repair. One of the I Bike TO bloggers has used this service a few times to report such problems as big construction trenches that have been left open for bicycles to fall into. It helps for us to all be vigilant and get the city to fix up the roads! The municipal government has a legal duty of care to keep roads in working order for all road users.
Anonymous (not verified)
numero uno
Fri, 10/26/2007 - 10:59the link you provide gives "Report damaged roadways & pot holes: 416-338-9999" -- the same number! -- as the 1st number under "important numbers". so I'm thinking that perhaps you took the initiative to call the City up and ask them to update their website? That is good of you and much more helpful than just reporting that it is wrong! Good job!
when I call that number it is the Customer Service Dept. of Transportation services, which then gives a whole host of options, depending on what you're calling to report. seems right to me.
However, I'd like to respectfully suggest that the fastest way to get those potholes fixed is to call your councillor's office to report it! this is the raison d'etre of the constituency assistant... of course, some coucillors' offices are more helpful than others. But my experience is that it's good to call them and get THEM to do the work/liaising with transportation svcs.
Fri, 10/26/2007 - 11:18One of the best offices I have dealt is Pam McConnell's office. Maybe not so bike friendly but if you ask for a clean up of the lanes of debris she usually throws in a new coating of paint to boot. Ashton's is pretty good as long as you do not mention you are a cyclist.
When calling the Transportation service's number you have to be both specific on details and broad in your request. They usually want a detailed size report on the pot hole and its location. I called once about a series of potholes and gave them an address. They fixed the pothole outside the address but not the ones beside it cause I "did not tell them about it".
Contacting councillors
Fri, 10/26/2007 - 11:38A few weeks ago I contacted several councillors about the nasty potholes on the ends of the Bloor St. Humber River bridge. I included Milczyn (west side), Saundercook (east side), De Baeremaeker (works Ctee / pothole buster), and Heaps (cycling committee).
Milczyn responded to my email in less then10 minutes and said he was getting someone out to fix them. A few days later I rode by again and they were fixed.
Heaps responded much later after that, but also promised to have it looked after.
Note: There's still alot of crappy patchwork around that bridge, so cyclists should still be careful. It's rough... but at least the big missing chunks of asphalt have been filled. They should re-pave some of those sections.